Brendan Foot Supersite endorses the Government’s Alert Level 4 requirements for you to stay at home and avoid driving anywhere unnecessarily. Exercise from your front door and only use your vehicle for essential things such as going to the supermarket, pharmacy or doctor. 

It’s not something we thought we’d ever say, but we really do urge you to park your car and leave it! There will be plenty of driving opportunities in the future, but now is the time to think of other things you could be doing.

Some ideas from our team:

  • Wash the car and make it a family activity! (Sorry kids, but it was an idea waiting to happen)
  • Put a teddy bear (or Easter bunny) in your car for people to spot while passing. And feel free to post it on our Facebook page.  
  • Have an Easter egg hunt in the car – but be careful to count them in and out otherwise you’ll be finding them wedged down seats for years to come!
Teamwork. (Thankfully there appears to be no one on the pedals…)

And some more practical considerations:

  • Battery life: Most cars will be fine to remain undriven for a few weeks, but occasionally people experience battery problems. If your battery is old or you are at all concerned, it can be useful to start the car and leave it running for half an hour, at least once a week. This should be done outside or in a well-ventilated garage.
  • Tyres: Having the correct tyre pressure while driving is very important, and tyres can lose pressure if sitting stationary for extended periods. Again this is unlikely over the course of only a few weeks, but it would pay to inflate them a bit more than usual when you’re next at a service station. These tips are have come from the AA.
  • Fluids: Now might be a good time to check the oil and water, and refill the windscreen washer fluid. If you need help with how to do anything of these things, there are plenty of YouTube videos and online resources – or go old school and read the manual! (It’s in the glovebox…)

How we’re helping

Brendan Foot Supersite staff are of course working from home, except for a small team of our dedicated service technicians who have the responsibility of working on the NZ Police fleet of vehicles. They’re also carrying out emergency repairs to vehicles related to medical staff and other essential services. We’re very proud of our team and thank them for the hard work they’re putting in, and their families whose bubbles are being interrupted each day. 

Our usually full service carpark in Lower Hutt. We have a dedicated team working on police cars and other essential vehicles. They are spacing them far apart and following strict safety protocols to minimise the chance of COVID-19 transmission.

Brendan Foot Supersite is also very pleased to be able to supply vehicles to the Student Volunteer Army. In conjunction with Hyundai NZ we’re loaning them two vehicles to use in their work delivering groceries and medication to the elderly and most vulnerable in our community. Members of the Student Volunteer Army are also providing childcare to children of essential workers. Amazing work!